Nah everyone is playing some form of Fallout lol.
Sorry my comment was written poorly, I meant it was my fave Bethesda published game from last year. It really did surprise me how good it was.
Google and killing good apps?
Okay I can only think of Inbox right now but still.
Definitely grab it, played it on Xbox last year and it turned out to be one of my games. Certainly my fave Bethesda published game that's for sure, sorry Starfield.
Oh I definitely don't disagree, FF7, Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid all cemented PlayStation as a force to be reckoned with for suren and can be considered killer apps. I just remember for me getting a PlayStation personally being just wowed by the likes of Crash Bandicoot and Tekken. Fond memories for sure!
PlayStation's killer app was likely Crash Bandicoot as that game paved the way for Sony (games like Wipeout, Ridge Racer and Tekken helped too) and gave them some real momentum, it just got better from there. I still remember playing the Demo of Crash and being absolutely blown away.
By the time FF7 released, the Nintendo 64 had launched so that probably contributed to the Saturn's downfall as well.
I'm pretty sure I read or saw a documentary that basically said the downfall of Sega started with Sega of Japan starting to take more control and override Sega of America. I think that's how we ended up with the Sega Saturn and the failure of that console really didn't help the Dreamcast at all.
If you loved Crisis Core then yes. This game has similar combat although a lot more advanced.
Yeah I hate being this guy but like someone else said, you're likely not playing it right. The only enemies that should be somewhat slow to take down are bosses.
But otherwise it's about how you use your abilities, using all your party members abilities, materia setup, etc. Also make sure someone has the Assess materia equipped and Assess every enemy you fight so that you know exactly what to do to pressure an enemy and then stagger them and what their weaknesses are.
The combat in this game is incredibly complex and might be the best version of real time/turn based I've ever seen.
What gets me with this game is how well they do the finer details. Like when you enter the depths and your flashlight switches in but it blinks a couple times before staying on. I know it's a small thing but I love little details like that.
Nah there's a bigger chance of Halo coming to PS5 if MS recent moves are anything to go by.