Even the hint of impropriety, or impartiality should be enough to cause a justice to recuse themselves or at the very least cause an issue with them sitting for a trial in which they have some connection.
To have justices not abiding by that concept almost eliminates any authority or respect that the institution holds, and calls into question any ruling the court has had since these jokers were seated.
Might as well just abandon the law and just go with might makes right rules, and fuck all this civilized stuff!
We as a general people have been spending centuries trying to get away from that shit so we can prosper, fuckers want to go back to lords and petty tyrants!
While discouraging and alarming, the fediverse is still pretty fresh territory and there is the opportunity to create a new community/magazine for those un happy with the displacement.
I do find the astro turfing and manipulation to be upsetting and hope there can be safeguards in place amongst the members to keep this from happening elsewhere.