That would be straight out of Hitler's playbook, so I wouldn't be surprised.
If a nazi is doing a salute that looks like a nazi salute, it's probably a nazi salute.
By April, the employment report will probably be either heavily doctored or just downright not published.
Nazis don't care about the truth.
The US have become an enemy of the entire world. If that wasn't clear enough already.
Intelligent people can also be indoctrinated into a cult. Probably only takes a bit longer.
21 percent are illiterate, 54 percent have a literacy below 6th grade level.
Which is ironic because he's incontinent.
Well, or just good old idiocy. The Nazis (the original ones, not these dumbfucks) were also anti-vax.
The whole movie is basically a metaphor and gets less and less realistic as the movie goes on. I really liked it though, more than Triangle of Sadness which has almost the same message.
The cheery face is what makes this. Electricity will kill you, and enjoy it!
Which is the first step in "schools do what the goverment tells them to do"
They can get to oil and precious metals under the permafrost easier, so yeah, it actually is if you're a greedy sociopath.