TIL; good to know, thank you!
True on linux, but not on Windows. There is the "Appdata" (Application Data) sub folder for that. The users profile is meant for the users personal files - but way too many apps ignore that.
Makes me think that probably a multiplatform-compat library points the apps there?
In den Abschlussreden hat selbst die AfD noch Merz beleidigt. Kopfschütteln auf so vielen Ebenen...
Aaaah. Dieeeeeese Brandmauer meinte die Union
But what if I wanted to eat the soap?
How else would you do 'buy to own' for software, though, that is not downloading and storing it locally? Every website and service will inevitably go down eventually, hence there is literally nothing else coming to my mind.
Du bist willkommen
Der Text im Hintergrund ließt sich mildly "NAZI". Falsche Partei, aber kannste nix machen.
An einem Stück?? Ich amateur beiße immer zumindest ab.
Still no way to properly join friends matches, nor dedicsted servers. Calling it feature complete is a joke.
Of course this shows up when I am sorting by hot.
Allerhöchstens einen Recht :(