I blame the Dems, Maga, Third Party voters and Non-Voters many comments ago
Yeah. Have a nice day, kid. You're obviously doing more than I am.
I blame the Dems, Maga, Third Party voters and Non-Voters many comments ago
Yeah. Have a nice day, kid. You're obviously doing more than I am.
Are you sure you're arguing with the correct person?
I'm referring to the National Guard's action, or lack of during January 6th, at the behest of Trump.
If you need to shove all those other words into my mouth to feel smart go ahead my dude. No skin off my back.
That's the National Guard you're thinking of
I don't believe you based on your original response. I think you're backpedaling.
Have a good one
Thanks for helping make this place worse
Not wasting any more time on this.
I can be upset at the Democrats AND people like you.
The Dems, Maga, third party voters and the people who stayed at home because they weren't getting what they want, you're literally all to blame.
Own it.
Kamala 100% addressed rising costs by saying we needed to outlaw price gouging on groceries. That Medicaid should cover in-home care. By giving tax credits for children. By giving tax credits for home ownership and starting a new business.
She addressed this a lot and had a lot of things she wanted to do to curb it. I'm tired of that talking point. Shows how little people paid attention.
Yeah, we didn't get proper primaries. It sucks
I'm still blaming the people who stayed at home or voted third party just as much as I'm blaming maga.
Ignorant, self absorbed citizens who don't care who gets hurt if they don't get what they want.
Over it.
Yeah, I hate responses like this. You're in the heart of the empire, you ain't getting to choose between Clark Kent and Lex Luthor.
There was only two outcomes and it was our job to pick the less shitty outcome.
End of story.
Americans really are still pushing this hyper-exceptionalism narrative to try and blame the Dems
This was a group effort. The third party voters and the people who stayed at home have just as much blame for this crap.
They need to own their shit and realize that you don't always get what you want, sometimes you have to do what you can with what you have.
I agree. His motivations were purely political in order to keep people in line when he realized this new movement wasn't going away any time soon.
Which is why on one hand we have Jesus calling for freedom of oppression, while Paul was telling slaves to obey their masters, even the cruel ones
Religion has always been politically motivated to control people.
You're not dumb as fuck.
It's a common misconception. Wasn't even really until around the time of Queen Isabella (Might have the wrong queen as it's pretty late here) that fair skin was considered preferable and a sign of religious purity.
Humans are a weird species.
Like I said, more Olive toned. Sorry it offends you but ancient Europeans, especially people in the Italian peninsula and Greece didn't exactly look like the Europeans of today, being as most of them came from a different part of the world
They weren't white people who left the middle east, they were middle eastern people who eventually turned white due to the different climate conditions of the area.
Not dumb as fuck, nuanced. History is neat like that
He existed alright but we have zero idea if he claimed to be the son of God. That was added much later after his death.
Jesus could in fact be an algamation of various men at the time who led the religious/social movement that would eventually become Christianity, and not all early versions claimed him to be the son of God. Some even claimed him to be a new God here to rescue us from the original God who was harsh, vindictive and punishing. Lots of wild shit.
So even the "he said he was the son of God" is a myth and legend.
But there definitely was a dude who was alive back then who had a LOT of complaints concerning the church and the government.
I'm a socialist.
And I'm not arguing what you're arguing.
If you need this argument, I suggest you look for someone disagreeing with you first.