Couldn't agree more. It sucks to try to bring someone to a new platform and go "you love decorating right? Then check /r/roomporn! No no, it's not porn I swear... Sigh"
I cringe while looking at the mirror, I must be improving at lightspeed rates
This will ruin my life, damn
150 GB is quite a bit, I wonder just how big this game will be
You are replying to the troll yourself lol
Last thing I bough was 7kg of top tier steak for about 8USD/kg (converting from my local currency). Seems I will have a nice barbecue every month now haha
Do you have people from outside your network accessing it? If yes, how are you habdling that?
Also sucks when your power ups are all RNG and since each character is very different, you can easily end up either a god or gimped depending on your luck. Easy mode for me lol
Really good game but I personally had to reduce dmg taken by like 50% cause it was otherwise quite frustrating. I play that kind of game for the power trip not to die cause I sneezed once
Summer sale should also be right around the corner right?
Just use a weather rock
and you misuse it... Thats not 'good thing bad thing penguin' its socially awesome/awkward penguin