Keep it up! That's great progress.
joined 2 years ago
A name I haven't heard in a long time
All my homies love harm reduction
Didn't they recently remove that? Or make it much harder to access?
Check out Soma Bringer if you've never played! Probably my favorite DS game ever (also my favorite handheld console)
DS had so many great titles.
My wife and I made a pact never to return to TBell after they messed up 5 consecutive orders. The final straw was them putting meat in her potato+bean crunchwrap...
Going vegan in the midwest has made avoiding fast food way too easy.
A blue screen with built-in artifacts!
sends GPU for RMA again
I've been dreaming of new windows (century+ old home) but the prices are insane around me. Nothing like fresh air in the spring & early fall