Note: I don't actually listen to podcasts myself (I struggle to process voices when doing other tasks, or for long periods of time) but my spouse enjoys it.
There were several GPUs and CPUs where that was true
Honestly, my takeaway from that test, was that that was the point. If you struggle to complete the test, you are on the spectrum, regardless of the actual answers you give.
- Spoken as someone who struggled with the test only marginally less than his partner, specifically due to masking/coping methods learned growing up with family that don't believe mid-high functioning autism is real (I have a cousin who struggled with speech early on, whose speech therapy consisted of being smacked in the mouth and told to speak properly - damn did that kid learn to mask fast).
Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes
Tumblr ha no choice, WordPress bought it years ago
They brought back tasteful nudity, mostly.
Lutris has an option to act essentially as a frontend for pcsx2, so in theory it should be a Linux version, but I have also struggled in the past with lutris's versions of things like emulators not having the right permissions to run, since they are a sandbox in a sandbox.
Preferably, these 3rd party investigations should be done by a regulated entity, chosen by a 3rd party that the business being investigated has no say in, with no contact between the chosen investigative party and the business being investigated until the investigation has started.
So yes, you are correct that LTT needs to be the ones to pay for the investigation, but they shouldn't be allowed to know who they were paying until after the fact, and they certainly should not be allowed to choose who they paid.
This person and your sister should look into EDS, its one of the main symptoms.
For an embarrassingly long time I thought they were the same person, and I wondered why anyone would look up to that tool, and call him a genius, when he couldn't even benchmark an HDMI cable correctly (literally the only video of his I watched, and yes, I know that it wouldn't have mattered even if he did do it properly).
Now that I know that its 2 separate assholes, I feel like LTT is even more of a tool who leans into the identity confusion on purpose for more internet clout.
That he paid good money for.
I haven't overheard them in awhile, didn't realise they open with ads now. Sorry for the suggestion that doesn't fit your criteria!