Sorry for having PTSD and not being able to have a good paying job while the bills increased threefold in the last five months I guess, fuckhead.
joined 2 years ago
Reminds me of this trifecta.
Strange. I find the language hideous, most likely because it resembles math, or maybe because I'm already used to the C-like syntax.
He's in the damn walls!
It's not outside the realm of possibility. Though it had to be the perfect storm for something like that to cause a global catastrophe.
Where does leaving it out in the open fit?
So it wasn't just me. Good to know.
Yes it does, and I will die fighting on this hill.
The... Toaster? Why the fuck would a Toaster run linux?
Finally, I can answer "Yes" on the greatest test of all questionnaires.
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There are many people, like me, that literally live paycheck to paycheck and all it takes is one small problem and we are suddenly overwhelmed with ever-increasing debt.
So instead of being a living piece of shit, you should show a bit of empathy and realize not everyone has access to your previledged situation.