Yes, I am ignoring the US military; because it is irrelevant. It's like arguing that a man's car can't be stolen because he's a heavyweight boxing champion. How many bases do you need to build before the US is immune to sabotage and subversion? How much money do you need to spend on guns before disinformation campaigns don't work? It is not as simple as one country being weaker than another. Different countries have different capabilities depending on what they have focused on. Russia has been building it's disinformation pipeline for a long time and has always been very good at exploiting corruption. The US is not very good at defending itself from those kinds of attacks as experts have been warning for frickin decades. This is not a video game where election interference is only targetable on nations in your level range and national strength can neatly be condensed into a single number and compared.
Or have I misunderstood your argument and your arguing that Putin has nothing to force Trump to obey him? Yet still in that argument the US military and the assassinations are still irrelevant. Trump is Putin's puppet not because Putin is a master manipulator dangling some blackmail over Trump's head. Putin's an unhinged, cowardly nutjob who spends most of his time hiding in a bunker marinating in the propaganda he himself commissioned. No, it's because Trump is a moron who accepts simple answers and lashes out at anyone who tells him he's wrong. Trump is a stupid man smart enough to know he's an idiot but terrified people will realise he's an idiot. He is a weak man desperate to be recognised as a strong one. So when someone who he views as a strong man dangles the potential for their approval in front of him he wags his tail like a good little dog. The former Australian PM talked about how Trump looked at Putin with awe to the degree that it was creepy. That is why Putin worked so hard to get him elected, why Trump spends so long on phone calls with Putin and why the military might of the US has no bearing on whether or not Trump will do as Putin tells him to. Trump is also very, very willing to accept bribes in whatever form they take and shown no limits to what he is willing to sell out for those bribes.
That's to be expected; imagine the asteroid is projecting a cone in front of it that represents where we think it might go. Then take a cross section of the cone at the point where it meets earth. You can get a rough estimate for the odds of a hit based on how much area of that cross section the earth takes up. As observations and data come in our predictions get more accurate and the cone gets narrower. The circle of where it might be as it gets close to earth shrinks but earth doesn't so a higher percentage of the circle is covering earth hence the odds go up. But earth is not in the center of the circle so it'll shrink to the point where part of earth isn't covered by the circle which will cause the odds to suddenly start dropping as the circle shrinks past earth. This will be the case with every object that we spot that is going to be a near miss. The odds will climb up and then drop down.
I know most people hanging out in a space community probably don't need that explanation. But I've seen too many people elsewhere who seem to view the changing odds as a sign of unreliability and uncertainty.