Can i ask how?
joined 2 years ago
hey I'm also running WDH very soon. I think just reading up lore and familiarizing yourself with the government will help you understand the resources at hand to prevent the hoodlums from ruining their own life
anyone got a LFG community for ttrpgs?
not all players are well seasoned I'm a little worried they won't be able to do that
wow great point. with more players combat would have to be more difficult as well. i also tend to run high magic games and with magic items, six players and a ton of mobs it could drag in combat
as opposed to what? pro authoritarianistic capitalists?
fuck big money and reddit/twitter/etc is the bigger money
actually so incredibly nice
That's tech today unfortunately. They don't want you to have applicances for 10+ years now. Fridge I use is from the 80 or 90s I think and still works fine. My mom has run through three fridges in less than 10 years it seems.