So when you change the C interfaces, the Rust people will have to deal with the fallout, and will have to fix the Rust bindings.
I hope this won't turn into a cat and mouse game.
So when you change the C interfaces, the Rust people will have to deal with the fallout, and will have to fix the Rust bindings.
I hope this won't turn into a cat and mouse game.
I guess it would make it way more complicated to use other peoples code if that where the case.
inb4 they release their new "Humane by HP" line of printers. They have only one button, which summons the new HP printer AI.
I want there to be a setting.
Sometimes the context of a missing message in a group chat is important.
Migrating to WordPress now is an interesting choice, considering all the drama they're in right now.
Care to elaborate?
In der Ausgabe von 2002 stehts leider nicht mehr drin.
What I expect: Having their logo printed next to the lens on a phone which is marketed as a great camera-phone. They had no input on the phone other than how the logo looks.
What I want: A small portable point and shoot digital camera that actually takes photos on the level of a flagship-phone.
Was kann man jetzt daraus ableiten?
Das dem Richter keine Ahnung von dem Thema über das er recht spricht hat.
Ich wünsche Herrn Schröder gute Genesung.
Und mir selbst wünsche ich das er danach etwas kürzer tritt, damit ich mich nicht mehr über ihn ärgern muss.
To me it feels like it's the other way around.
I wasn't even aware that people tried to establish multi-language drivers until I read about the cancer comment some time ago.
It's not the first time that longstanding maintainers dislike new stuff because it's new.
The most annoying thing for me is that I am logged in and embedded videos are still broken.