
joined 11 months ago
[–] Dimand@aussie.zone 1 points 1 week ago

I assumed these are small fpv drones? They have kind of broken the traditional warfare dynamics and are more like ground force+ without the traditional air to air susceptibility.

[–] Dimand@aussie.zone 3 points 1 week ago

But I like the tannins!

[–] Dimand@aussie.zone 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Haha that's amazing. I hope you enjoyed them, the entire concept of never questioning authority (in all meanings) seems to have pitfalls that have trapped too many of today's society into polarising views with no concept of nuance. If more people had read these books the world would probably be a better place.

Now let's just hope Pullman can get the last book out this decade! He better not pull a Robert Jourdan on us!

[–] Dimand@aussie.zone 6 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I assume they disliked the source material. Which is a shame because they are amazing books.

[–] Dimand@aussie.zone 19 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I installed fedora to replace windows on the 31/12/2023. I wasn't a complete Linux noob by any measure but haven't run it as a main OS before. Thank you proton for getting me over the edge.

The whole repo situation on fedora is honestly pretty meh, things are out of date or broken too often. Or they just don't exist. I have put arch on a number of machines since and find it significantly better. My main box will move away from fedora next time I'm enthused to mess with it and this is the primary reason.

[–] Dimand@aussie.zone 5 points 1 month ago

"We have film footage where we can see a wave hitting the lock and the anchor drops,"

A wave, at sea? Chance in a million.

[–] Dimand@aussie.zone 45 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Depends if you care about names or about physics. Radio, Infrared Gamma etc are just names we give to various parts of the continuous electromagnetic spectrum. The edges of these definitions are not super well defined. Changing from RF to microwave could be defined at say about 3 GHz, but there is not some clear physical difference between a 2.9 GHz photon and a 3.1 GHz photon other than the frequency change.

The lower limit to the frequency is I guess the inverse of the theoretical age of the universe/2. Something can't currently be oscillating slower than that.

There are some theories on plank length, quantisation limits, etc that might set some theoretical upper limit of photon frequency. But we don't appear to be anywhere close to observing such things. We have seen some rather crazy short wavelength particles that we haven't fully understood.


[–] Dimand@aussie.zone 13 points 1 month ago

Wikipedia is amazing, and I have donated to them a number of times. But something just rubs me the wrong way about their current donation drive and anything I read about how much their higher ups are getting paid makes no sense to me. Why are the salaries so high? Where is the clear breakdown of server cost and infrastructure?

[–] Dimand@aussie.zone 1 points 2 months ago

I feel like this needs to be a PSA pinned to this community. Far too often it would say 2 comments and I would see nothing untill I did this.