Gotta do the old cart spin, the wife hates it because I’m “knocking over children and old people”, but nothing beats seeing that KALLAX do the ol’ 800 gon spinaroo :italian_hand:
Randle jammed the pen into Fregi’s head and again near his jaw
I suppose it’s to do with how deadly it could have been? Not sure why it isn’t attempted murder, but I am not a lawyer.
I’m not sure what your intent was, but you’re coming off as “I don’t want online spaces to be welcoming to people who are visually impaired.”
I think the big challenge with modernizing it for a new engine is the invalidity to jump (except the grenade jump, of course). A few notable puzzles built around getting around the long way to the top of a a 3’ ledge
r/Canada is very similar
I suppose I could work out a way of hashing the website name into a date, then I can rehash it whenever needed
Good tip; I guess I’ll just pick a consistent date from now on.
The year is 2056. There are 4^2048 characters required to display all of the “New”s for the latest version of Outlook. You’ve just bricked your fourth PC by trying to open an .ics
Mimic mailbox!
Russia’s inability to keep up with the economic challenges of the US’ military output is what cause the collapse of the Soviet Union after all.
I mean, if I was a scammer, I’d def default to assuming people gullible enough to fall for this kinda thing would also support Russia
Are there existing models for the old design available? ‘Cuz then you could just make the modification you described to the STL.