I mean you could probably wait it out, but it'll be months before your hair starts getting less greasy I imagine, so I dunno how workable that is.
Windows basically never nukes the actual linux install. It DOES like breaking the bootloader though. Which is fixable but still deeply annoying.
Honestly every other day is still a LOT. Shampoo your hair when it gets greasy, no sooner. The grease glands on your head will calm the fuck down after a while.
Whenever I do something dumb I say "I am a stable genius" and I can't thank trump enough for inventing that sentence.
The crux is that a first-past-the-post voting system incentivizes voting for one of the two big parties. Voting third party is equivalent to voting against your preference of the top two. There's a bunch of really neat voting systems that avoid this problem handily.
Protip: if you block the bot all their comments disappear
I think it's loss?
whomever said Einstein wasn’t good at math
Got confused by the german grading system. Lower grades are better.
There's a pretty wild variety of decorative grasses that'd look kick-ass as an office plant.
That's not at all legal under GDPR. Nor is having deny all be harder than accept. As is tradition however companies don't give half a shit until fines start happening.
By far most ink cartridges come without heads. The heads are mounted in the printer itself. Even if the head is on the cartridge the controller can still be in the printer.
I haven't had it happen to me for a while now. I used to have a boot repair liveCD that'd always do the trick, but I don't think that specific distro even exists anymore.
The gist is you'll want to boot a liveCD and use the liveCD to reinstall GRUB, I'm sure you can find the right incantation to do so online somewhere.