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I know that there are some plants and herbs cats don’t like. You could try placing some.
It’s madness how everyone is very worried about this, yet there is nothing really serious being done about it.
Now let’s focus on reparations.
Don't know, I have spent the entire year playing Apex.
A lot, and I do mean it, of third-world countries have better access to medical care and universal healthcare than the US.
It's gonna happen and will continue to happen. We need to get our shit together and start making some changes.
Do you not miss the time you used to spend in a crowded and smelly tube, sometimes with no space to move your arms? Why do you hate commercial landlords?
Interestingly enough, solar panels work much better when it's cold. There are a lot of improvements the UK could make to mitigate this problem for winter and summer. Solar panels are a must, followed by good insulation and subsidies for heat pumps ac pumps.
I did the same. In fact, the PC I built doesn't even have wifi.