At this time of year?
For steamed hams?
You'll own nothing and you'll like it
I won't throw shade
Man, I miss smaller phones. Still running my s10e. Got a fairphone 4 when I had to renew my contract but quickly got back to the s10e because of the camera and, more importantly, the size. With the s10e's battery starting to really degrade, I'm now looking for a phone and they're all too big! S22 is on my list, which is only slightly bigger than the s10e. Would have bought the Xperia 10 V, if it had a better camera and wireless charging, even though it's sony's low end device, just because it is kind of small. I'm even considering switching to an iPhone SE, just because I can't seem to find higher end small android phones. What kind of hands do people think I have?
Nee, da war die Föderierung anscheinend hinterher. Ich hab den editierten Kommentar und zwei Antworten sowie den gelöschten Kommentar und eine Antwort gesehen gehabt.
Das ist ein Account von ner anderen Instanz... Hier sehe ich angeblich 7 Kommentare, als dieser hier noch nicht abgeschickt wurde, also schon ein paar zu viele. Würde sich mit den edits decken.
So you call them steamed hams, despite the fact they are obviously grilled.