I use it on Windows. Admittedly it launches better in Linux but it takes an age to launch in Windows. But yes, that was some time ago. Version 2.04 or something like that.
My question is: does it launch faster? I love GIMP for how powerful it is while still being free, but I hate how long it took to load. I was using less powerful alternatives on a regular basis just because I didn't want to wait for GIMP to open.
Oh interesting, it's basically tapestry crochet but with half-doubles instead of singles. No wonder the blocking opened up the stitches so much! Thank you for sharing!
It's beautiful! What technique did you use for the color work? I don't recognize it. I've done a lot of Mosaic crochet but this doesn't look like mosaic to me.
I've been looking for a new launcher. Though this one isn't selling itself with no screenshots. I don't use telegram, so I don't know if there's screenshots in there.
Edit: They posted screenshots in the Google Play page. Found them.
I'm using Voyager and everything's been good for me.
Ya it could be a Grackle. Does it move the injured wing in any way normally? If it can't move the wing at all normally it may not heal well without medical intervention. Unfortunately their wings are very delicate. It sounds like you've done all you can in terms of phoning vets and rehabs, so I can't really help much there, but just keep up what you are doing and keep checking with the rehabs that take small birds. Either the wing heals on it's own or not, but either way it feels like you are doing all the right things. I hope it works out!
I wasn't aware that we all had to adhere to YOUR standards of which softwares are useful/needed.
Sometimes people just want something. Maybe it doesn't align with what you want, but that doesn't make it wrong.
I use bypass paywalls clean on Mull by activating the Secret menu and choosing to install add-on from file. Works great for me.
Secret menu is in the About Mull page (tap on the logo 5 times) then back out to the settings pane to see some additional settings items added like install add-on from file.
How extensive of editing are we talking? If you just need some of the more basic features, there is Paint.NET which is surprisingly useful for a lot more than you'd think. Definitely not as feature-rich as Photoshop though.
Ya... I'm with you 100%. It really feels like commercial software is the "minimum viable product" rather than a complete and quality piece of software. I've opted for FOSS solutions wherever possible for me and it has worked out swimmingly. Only place I'm still struggling is my home PC. Making the jump to Linux and potentially risking game compatibility is still a bit of a hurdle for me, but once my Win10 license loses support, Linux will be a very strong contender for my main OS.
Thanks, that's good to know! It may have been around the 2.8 timeframe. But it definitely sounds like it's gotten better. I'll definitely be trying again.