This is always the Libertarian shitpost response: "you're free to do what you want" because you don't recognize economic coercion. It's a perfectly OK form of limiting freedom. Fuck off.
The kabuki performance that is international diplomacy is almost never dropped, but in this case, it is justified, and the world should line up with Zelenskyy.
Yay, we got him! That’s the game, folks, we caught Trump in a lie.
Because men are babies.
There has been a big exodus, and it continues. It's all part of Elon's upcoming book, "How To Turn A Fortune 500 Company Into Twenty-Five Dollars In Cash".
Xitter is a cesspit. Normal people have mostly left.
Talk about taking the wrong message from the situation....
TSLA is still up over 2x on the year... the remains work yet to do.
We signed up for Nazism! Not for our subsidies going away!
And Fox News engaged in a multi-decade Overton Window moving effort to make someone like him a viable candidate.
Progressives want to shortcut the work, and just swing for the fences every four years. Trump is the product of a decades long campaign to make conservative ideas not sound crazy.
You could not more wrong. American capitalism is the worst form of capitalism in the world. It is only attractive to people from truly desperate situations.