AFAIK angina comes from the Latin word angere which means to suffocate.
Angina pectoris being suffocating chest pain, often accompanied by shortness of breath.
And Ludwig angina litteraly suffocating a person via swelling.
AFAIK angina comes from the Latin word angere which means to suffocate.
Angina pectoris being suffocating chest pain, often accompanied by shortness of breath.
And Ludwig angina litteraly suffocating a person via swelling.
Am a medic. Had a similar call, but dude ended up having a rare tumor on his pancreas called and insulinoma. They produce and hold a bunch of insulin and can occasionally rupture and flood your system with insulin. Ofcourse we didn't Know he had one at the time.
We had a non Diabetic PT that we found with a glucose that just read low. So 30< with our glucometers. Dumped 100 of d20 into him with absolutely no changes. Ended up infusing 4 more bags of d20 into him during transport. Got him up to like 80 and then watched him become unresponsive again 5 min later. Checked again and found it to be back to 40. He was in a room a few min later. Normally Im glad we don't cary d50 anymore that shit was like using a sledge hammer to hammer in a tack nail. But this was the one time d20 wasn't cutting it.
Anyways, glad you are alive. Shit can be scary.
I think the main issue is that people expect a magic fix. This is a common problem in the world today. Many things are massively overhyped and then turn out to be a huge disappointment to many people because they are not as perfect as the hype lead them to belive.
I belive these glasses can be a useful tool to some one that struggles with color blindness. But just that. A tool. Not a fix. By understand what these glasses can actualy do and their limitations someone with color blindness can potentially get a lot more information what the hues and colors they wouod normally struggle with. They won't however maks them suddenly see in perfect color.
I hope they help your wife, and I belive that if she uses them as an aid, not a fix, they will help her a lot.
Best of luck.
This realy is the key point imo.
There are people out there that can give a 100k+ gift to their partner other.
According to Google there are about 1.3 million households that make over 500k a year in the United States. That's not a big number compare to the total population but it's a big number.
Those families and many others are able to afford something like that if they want too. Notice the homes in those commercials are always very nice aswell. If you cant afford that, then you are simply not the target audience.
I know i sure as hell can't.
Everyone has a responsibility for their own safety. We should do what is reasonable to reduce harm and risk to others, but there is only so much that can be reasonable. If a person wears dark clothing, doesn't use crosswalks, doesn't check for cars etc at what point does their safety become their responsibility?
That only works in more urban areas.
Its impossible to covered every road in lights and it can get very dark when you are far away from a city. Same with public transit. I am all for it, but it's only reasonable in more densely populated areas. There just won't be enough people using it in th middle of nowhere to just something like that much less staff it.
Meanwhile helping cars see people even in those less common and more difficult situations is a good thing. Why would you NOT want your car to be safer for others around you?
Baby was immediately taken to a state if the art NICU and had a whole team of specialists. Still has a 0.5 chance of not having brain damage when she grows up.
This is an absolutely amazing thing. But the tweet makes it seem. Like he just st with the baby and rubbed her chest. Not that she was being treated with the best equipment and by the best people.
It's a sport from the game final fantasy 10. It's kindof like handball or soccer but played 100% underwater. Not possible in real life but fun in a fantasy video game.
The sport is played in a giant water sphere.
You joke, but that's kindof a thing.
The occipital lobe is responsible for us being able to proccess and turn the info our eyes gather into what we see. Severely damaging is can make us be unable to process the info our eyes collect and be effectively blind. Even though there is nothing wrong with our eyes.
You can have a stroke in your occipital lobe and just wake up blind. Or get hit in the back of your head and lose your vision.
Basicly forget how to see.
Funny thing is, some places love when people Dont have social media. I have had to go thrugh a lot of background checks for my jobs before and most of the time they are happy to hear that there is no social media for me to say dumb stuff on online.