I had own that one for a long time. I can say I wish I had listened to it earlier it was a great novel. Will definitely be picking up a physical copy this coming new year just like all my autobooks. I have physical copies for most of them.
Actually, yes. Both Wally Lamb novels are my favorite. Any Johnathan Kellerman novel. Project Hail Mary is great.
11/22/63 was a nice read, and all the autobiographies were good. Christopher Reeves was heart renchin.
Lot of states do inspections Oklahoma definitely needs them. And I see these trucks all the time in my state. Didn't know it was a device doing it until I read this article but now I know. Bullshit and we need to take the license away from people who do this.
That would be awesome! Then we could get public control internet providers and cheaper internet.
Everyday I discover some new way corporations are destroying our lives on this planet all for a monterrey system we made up.
As a writer I would be fine with this.
Is the same country who just made history landing a probe on the moon?
25 years since they released a new IP how crazy.
Lol yeah come get some of this Oklahoma weather I will trade you. Definitely somewhere I want to visit one day.
That beautiful how is the weather?
Oh yeah, I own a Kindle and forgot to add the two books I read off of it. Will be reading more on it for 2024 now that my library has Kindle support.