Good tip. Thanks!
Now I feel dumb.
That didn't work earlier.
I just went to copy the error message I saw before and... it's working.
Maybe because I switched back to Namecheap's nameserver? Or maybe because I cleared my cache again? Or maybe because I game it some more propagation time?
Or maybe magic?
Each potential reason seems equally likely to me.
Lemmy Easy Deploy. I didn't know where to find any tutorials for using an Oracle Cloud VM. Did the official have that?
I thought it was ebooks-only. I didn't realize was for audiobooks also. Thanks!
Something Overseer-like for requesting audiobooks for Plex.
ChatGPT and I came up with this bookmarklet which I'm using until this is resolved.
You set your home instance, then just click it when on a post on another instance. It grabs the post title and the author, redirects to a post search of the title on your home instance, and copies the author to your clipboard to Ctrl-F if there are too many results.
You have to be pretty quick on the draw to be able to enable clipboard access when using it on a new instance for the first time. So it's like a game, too.
let instance = "";
const personListing = document.querySelector('.person-listing');
const author = personListing.getAttribute('title');
alert("Post author copied to clipboard.\n\nCtrl-F + Crtl-V when redirected, if necessary.");
var title = document.title;
var lastDashIndex = title.lastIndexOf(" - ");
if (lastDashIndex !== -1) {
title = title.substr(0, lastDashIndex);
var encodedTitle = encodeURIComponent(title);
let search = "https://" + instance + "/search?q=" + encodedTitle + "&type=Posts";
window.location.href = search
You might also want to check out this Python script which syncs profiles, communities, and blocks between multiple Lemmy accounts.
That was it exactly. Thank you.
This was a journey, so I'm documenting it here for anyone who might run into a similar situation.
I'm using a Chromebook with Linux enabled.
To confirm my version of Python I ran python --version
Python 3.9.2
OK! Getting somewhere. So I have to check what distribution of Linux is installed with grep '^PRETTY_NAME' /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
Alright. Google says if I want to upgrade Python on Debian 11 I have to compile it from source. Yikes! But, wait, there's a PPA - Yay! But the PPA is for Ubuntu - Boo.
There isn't an active community for ChromeOS on Lemmy yet, but that other website has directions for replacing Debian with Ubuntu.
I'm lazy so I'm not doing that. I'm just going to spin up a temporary Ubuntu container that I can delete later, so my directions are much simpler:
Ctr-Alt-T to enter crosh, the ChromeOS developer shell.
vmc start termina
lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 ubuntu
lxc exec ubuntu -- bash
apt update && apt -y upgrade
add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
apt update
apt install -y python3.11 python3.11-venv
python3.11 -m ensurepip
git clone
cd lemmy_account_sync/
pip3.11 install -r requirements.txt
cp exampleconfig.ini src/myconfig.ini
nano src/myconfig.ini
python3.11 src/
Success! I had to escape some special characters in my passwords, but that's easily Google-able.
I'll be keeping the container around for a little while to do some periodic syncs. Then I'll remove it using crosh.
vmc start termina
lxc delete ubuntu --force
You might want to check out I stumbled upon it. Beehaw defederated (info.) This section on defederating may help you understand that if it's unclear.
Most of us are also new to the Fediverse, but learning every day. Welcome!
Yes, the VM is Ubuntu 22.04.
Edit: Replied out of context. Fixed.