
joined 2 years ago
[–] 4 points 6 hours ago

That blows. Glad the infrastructure helps your chair get around, though. Also, every biker not using a car gives you more space, so that's an additional plus

[–] 3 points 6 hours ago

Sorry, a car can't take me across the ocean. From now on, all of my trips will be made by airplane as this is the only vehicle that can cover all of my needs.

[–] 2 points 6 hours ago

I run studded tyres during winter, but the city also uses a clearing technique where they first clear off all of the snow from the bike lanes and then salt them to prevent ice. This kind of wreaks havoc on your components through corrosion, but leaves the lanes highly usable throughout winter.

I use the studded tyres as an insurance policy against any poorly cleared spots. They are usually pretty good about it, but sometimes the weather will just be bad.

I've been told that fat bikes do better on full snow, but I've never ridden one myself so I can't confirm it.

[–] 2 points 6 hours ago

Could probably rock a balaclava in those temperatures. I bought one in anticipation of winter riding, but the coldest I've ridden this year is -11 C and it wasn't quite necessary yet at that point, but I was debating trying it out.

Climate change is basically killing most of the cold days we have where I live so this is a problem I'm long-term apparently not going to have to deal with. Instead I will have to deal with the way worse type of weather - wet weather.

[–] 2 points 8 hours ago

Take your bike on the train. That's what I did last time I had somewhere to be that was >100 km away, and it was a fantastic trip

[–] 1 points 8 hours ago

Free cardio, what's not to love? E-bikes are an option for those that don't love it

[–] 9 points 8 hours ago

If the weather is bad enough, I will take transit instead, but cycling down to -10 C is doable without any problems.

I will be far less inclined to bike if it's raining, that I do hate with a passion. Of course, I could just work from home in that scenario as well, if I don't feel like taking transit

[–] 2 points 8 hours ago

I'm buying for two, but I'm also only loading one basket on my pannier rack. I could easily add another for double the capacity, along with maybe also a backpack. There's also the possibility of using a trailer.

[–] 1 points 9 hours ago

To add insult to injury on the topic of how misinformed Americans are:

More likely to be killed.

Cycle commuting is associated with a 47% decrease in all-cause mortality (source)

What's more likely to kill you is sitting at the wheel all day in a car.

[–] 1 points 9 hours ago (2 children)

I routinely buy a week's worth of groceries on my bike. Every week.

[–] 8 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

Checkmate liberals-tier comment. Why did you even post this?

[–] 15 points 11 hours ago (8 children)

Also can't get groceries

Americans unironically believe this. Pathetic


Ebba Busch visar sitt sanna jag som patologisk lögnare. Likt Jimmie Åkesson försöker hon direkt kopiera Donald Trumps strategi att bara säga osanningar för att försöka gynna sig själv. Kommer svenska befolkningen vara lika dumma som den amerikanska i nästa val? Det kvarstår att se.


Genomvidrigt. Stå upp emot neofacister i alla lägen.


cross-posted from:

It's probably time we admit cars that are a bit too useful as weapons to continue affording them the vast uncritical access they currently enjoy in our built environments.


It's probably time we admit cars that are a bit too useful as weapons to continue affording them the vast uncritical access they currently enjoy in our built environments.


Tänka sig att jag var glad när jag såg att investering i tåg gått igång långt i norr, också blir man tvungen att se att de tagit bort på andra platser.

Dubbelspår mellan Gävle och Sundsvall måste byggas om det ska gå att få någon form av effektiv tågtrafik för orter norr om Sundsvall och söderut. Hela sträckan är tungt belagd och inga tåg kan idag köra över 100 km/h. Med dubbelspårsutbyggnaden skulle det gå dubbelt så snabbt över sträckan för mycket betydliga tidsbesparingar, för att inte tala om hur pass många fler tåg som kommer att kunna trafikera sträckan. Trafiken är idag också väldigt bräcklig, och ersättningsbussar måste ofta sättas in.


Dags att städa ut lite i regeringen.


Bra att det byggs mer järnväg, men det behövs mer.


This post is inspired by me seeing an ambulance in the bike lane by the apartment building opposite of mine.

By this point, I'm sure we've all had just about enough of anti-urbanists and NIMBYs claiming in bad faith that bike lanes and bus lanes will be obstructive for emergency vehicles, and as such cannot be built.

You're probably well aware that exactly the opposite is the case - cars are the principal obstruction for emergency vehicles, and emergency vehicles can actually make very efficient use of bike and bus lanes to shorten response times.

I propose that we flip the argument on its head by rebranding bike and bus lanes as Emergency Vehicle-lanes, which just so happen to afford permission to buses and bikes when not in active use by emergency vehicles (which is of course already the case, everyone is required to yield any space to emergency vehicles, at least where I live).

This way, we kill this particular argument against bike and bus lanes in its crib, and expose the opposition as being actually against emergency vehicle mobility, in favour of having more lanes to drive their cars on.

Let me know what you think!


Det vore riktigt häftigt att se en stabil järnvägsförbindelse till Finland.



Taxichaufförer är verkligen bland de värsta bilförarna att ha att göra med i trafiken.

Högre krav måste ställas. Permanent avstängning från yrkestrafik bör vara självklar konsekvens i det här fallet. Våld skall inte vara tillåtet bara för att gärningsmannen använde ett fordon som vapen.

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