Musk is a weirdo, but I like the dystopian stupid truck and it looks cool. I’ll see myself out though.
This is really smart. Considering tail light will get you pulled over, this can save you some pain. I never figured out a good way to check on my own. Thanks!
Yeah, I’m always second guessing my math too, lol. I think it should billion not million in this case.
Sure, I agree we can get cheaper healthcare, but $14 billion amounts to like $40 bucks per American. Not buying many more healthcare and schools with that. This meme (at least the second part) is stupid and won’t convince anyone who supports Israel aid to change their minds because the math is not convincing. Makes for a weak argument, imho.
$14 billion is like $40 bucks per American. Might be able to buy a toothbrush and some bandaids with that healthcare money.
Hey what percent is $14 billion of the $4.3 trillion Americans spend on healthcare?
Let them doom. Can’t be too optimistic, the internet gets upset.
Snazzy labs has the high ground!
there were no cameras in the Middle Ages. Checkmate shitposters.
Maybe we are viewing it inside out and the expanding phenomenon isn’t driven by expanding towards the outer limits by energy of big bang, but rather being drawn in to an infinitely small center by a black hole.
Not sure y’all understand what winter in Chicago can mean. Hope for these folks sake it’s a mild one. Some years it can be below zero for weeks. We will be doing everything we can to make sure these people don’t freeze to death, but these people will need help beyond what the people of Chicago and our local government will be able to muster.
Walter Payton
edit: he was small for a power back at 5’10” 200lbs. No one thought someone that size would do what he did in the NFL.