
joined 2 years ago

I'll agree with you on points 1 and 2, but as for the case being circumstantial... That honestly depends on the veracity of the confession that was found on him. Meaning to say, unless the evidence was planted, which is possible, it's trivial to determine that the act happened.

Personally, I just think it's justified. Brian Thompson was a murderer that would never face consequences, because for some reason, if you murder and torture people by policy and pen, it's totally legal. That ain't right, and if we can't reform the system to bring these murderers to justice... Well... You're gonna have some vigilantes, and they will be justified in their actions, and they will be celebrated by their peers.

Free Luigi, and point him in the direction of Anthem's CEO.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I don't even know if we have to bankrupt them anymore. I think a Biden executive order just stopped or severely limited credit reporting on medical debt, and I don't think trump or musk has fucked that one back up.

But what they did do is fuck up the CFPB, so these debt collectors are going to get away with more fraud fueled bullshit. But I wonder if you can simply report any medical debt that does show up to be inaccurate based on the Biden EO.

There still are laws in place, the dumb dickheads just fired some of the enforcers. Now, debt collectors are going to have to try to garner your wages, and if you're smart enough, you'll go into court with evidence that you have been following the process of law, and they haven't since the enforcers are gone, and it'll just further roadblock the debt collecting scumbags.

That is of course, in a just world. In the real world, very few will know about their rights and recourse, and all it takes is one shitty judge with prejudice to ruin lives, as usual.

[–] 18 points 5 days ago (4 children)

So let's get this right.

They currently have care, including preventative care. If we remove them from Medicaid, they will no longer be able to afford care, even preventative care.

The only doctor's office that can't turn them down based on their ability to pay is the emergency room, the most expensive form of healthcare in America.

So instead of preventing large medical bills and keeping emergency rooms manageable, we're going to instead shift the burden onto hospitals, fill emergency rooms, who as usual, shift this burden onto the paying customers (also us, btw), at the most expensive rate possible.

Yep, sounds like a republican plan to me.

That's a fair point, and an interesting one. I generally expect western nations to have the most draconian view on IP rights, but there certainly has been a rise in IP litigation in the east and in Japan specifically hasn't there?

I figured as much, I was just wondering if it made any difference since in general law enforcement tends to worship the military. Don't get me wrong, you certainly should respect voluntary service, but the way they do it... Ew.

[–] 16 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

I'm definitely using the term broadly, it doesn't always mean to sexually assault, basically they're just being fucked with for simply existing or going to church or school. That being said, I wouldn't put it past them if given the opportunity, ICE is at least that morally bankrupt.

Sorry to hear that you got fucked with for daring to go near "the white land", they're pieces of shit like that.

Gotta ask, it sounds like you are a veteran or family of one. Did they even change their attitude towards you once they knew? Or did they get mad because you ruined their fun?

[–] 25 points 1 week ago (6 children)

And recently in some communities, ICE agents are going door to door and molesting people at schools and churches.

I got one like that too, his nickname is WAP. Certified freak...

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Nah, it's a somewhat recent development they decided to be anti fun. Their founders would be incredibly disappointed with what they've become.

That honestly doesn't sound like a bad mission, but it seems like there's a couple other requirements they should impose on their mission and then there wouldn't be any controversy.

They should require that their package works as well as the upstream, and, in the even that it doesn't, they need to be very blatant and open that this is a downstream package, and support for it will only be provided by Fedora Flatpaks, and that you may have better results with the official packages.

The primary issues in this case is that it doesn't work, and it's not been clear to users who to ask for help.

Thank you random internet person. I don't want to speak too soon, but maybe I'm finally starting to get better after day 7. It's taken what feels like an excruciating eternity, but the fever doesn't seem to be coming back, and now my throat is only painful and white in most places, but at least it's not bloody. That's progress.

I've had something similar due to the limitations of a narrow ILM vs square ILM board, but I think my solution was to rig/butcher it until it pointed the cooler correctly, that or I bought a mounting adapter or something. Either way, I remember that I viscerally hated it and wouldn't let it sit like that despite being 45w CPUs, and this post reminded me of it haha.

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