
joined 9 months ago

I'm constantly switching between Gnome and KDE (Bluefin, Aurora, Bazzite, Kinoite, Silverblue, whatever) and I never had any issues.
The only thing that gets messed up a bit is theming, where I have to change the GTK theme, and sometimes the window buttons when I go from KDE to Gnome, which is also reverted in just one click in Gnome tweaks.

There is also F-Droid for FOSS software if you're interested, and Obtainium for stuff that's not available on F-Droid. Maybe check that out?

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You can check out !

I'm doing !, but I also have quite a few pots of soil (dirt) there.

They are mainly there for co-plants that attract beneficial insects and help to improve the biodiversity of this concrete hell I live in.

This "intact" ecosystem with healthy organic living soil, beneficial plants and other stuff also has the benefit that it attracts predatory insects like ladybugs, which naturally kill any lice and other harmful pests without any pesticides.

Oh, and it looks nice, and I always can gift other people I like some flowers if the need arises, for example as a last-minute birthday present ;)

I will also create an insect protection community here on SLRPNK if you're interested :)

[–] 2 points 3 days ago


It looks quite healthy but the transition from hydro to not-hydro (geoponics, i guess?) will trigger a lot of physiological changes and internal reshuffling of nutrients. It’s inevitable.

If you click on the post I linked, you see that the plant barely had any roots left, because they were completely mush when I bought it.

The substrate you meant is called "LECA" (expanded clay balls), which wick up the hydroponic nutrient solution. It's just another form of passive hydroponics :)

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Isn't this a sign of not enough nitrogen?


Mit Magen-Darm zu fliegen war dumm. Der Unterdruck in der Kabine macht komische Sachen mit dem Darm.

3/10, brauch ich vorerst nicht mehr.


Ich hab mich gefragt, was da in meinem Bananenbaum am fucking Kopfende meines Bettes neben mir krabbelt.

Stellt sich heraus, dass das Bäumchen einen Wurzelschaden hatte, und sich Springschwänze dort dank der feuchten Bedingungen im Blähton und reichlich totem Pflanzenmaterial dort seeeehr wohl gefühlt haben :)

Das war ein furchtbarer Tag, ein Mikroskop zu besitzen.


Ich dachte immer, meine Spülmaschine hat nur 2 Rotoren (unten und mittig), aber dann hab ich irgendwann mal bemerkt, dass ganz oben, in der Bestecketage, ja auch noch ein Kleiner versteckt ist.

Joa... das erklärt, wieso ich mein Besteck oft mehrmals hab durchlaufen lassen müssen 🤷

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by to c/

Ich wasche normalerweise meinen Blähton (für Hydroponik) in der Badewanne. War nie ein Problem.

Auf dem Foto hab ich das erste Mal Lavastein als Alternative probiert. War auch das letzte Mal.



Ich hab mir das Video zur Sicherheit vorm Posten nochmal reingezogen, und ich krieg jedes Mal voll das Kotzen davon


In den Stunden nach der Befruchtung sinken die Eier in die Haut des Weibchens ein und werden von Haut überwachsen, die sich zu einer Art verhorntem Deckel entwickelt. Während ihrer Entwicklung in den Eiern wächst den Jungen ein temporärer Schwanz. Nach 12 bis 20 Wochen schlüpfen schließlich voll entwickelte Jungkröten aus den Rückenwaben, es werden somit keine freien Larven-Stadien durchlaufen.


cross-posted from:

Kontext: Kommentar von einem der letzten Posts hier

Auch im Bubatzgärtner-Matrix gab es einen Backlash.

Ich war gestern bisschen greened out und hab mich mal wieder an seltsame Kombinationen gewagt.

Ihr werdet nicht glauben, was da draußen für eine riesige Welt an gustatorischen Eindrücken auf euch wartet, wenn ihr das Ekelgefühl im Kopf und Anstand hinter euch lasst.

Eine Kombi davon war die genannte Yoghurette mit Senf, der ich gestern nochmal eine zweite Chance geben wollte.

Mein Review:

Yoghurette mit mittelscharfem Senf

Nicht übel, kann man essen, aber leider überdeckt der starke Eigengeschmack des Senfs das Erdbeeraroma.

Ich gebe der Kombi leider nur eine 3/10.

Mit süßem Senf

Deutlich besser. Die Senfschärfe rückt hier beim bayerischen Weißwurstsenf deutlich mehr in den Hintergrund.

Süßer Senf ist hier in Bayern ja ohnehin ein Grundnahrungsmittel und wird wie spicy Marmelade gehandhabt.

Daher hat es mich überhaupt nicht überrascht, dass diese Kombi tatsächlich gut schmeckt.
Ironischerweise nimmt der süße Senf ein wenig die Süße der Schokolade, und lässt das ganze lebendiger schmecken.

An Erdnussbutter mit Essiggurken statt Marmelade kommt es nicht ganz hin, aber es ist mal einen Versuch wert.

Diese Kombi hat 7/10 Sterne verdient.

Es ist kein "WOW, ich kann nie wieder Yoghurette ohne dem Weißwurstdip futtern", aber kann man machen.

Mit Feigensenf

Aus finanziellen Gründen konnte ich das letzte Experiment hier nicht machen. So ein mini Gläschen kostet ja alleine schon 7€!

Ich denke aber, dass Feigensenf ALLES, auch Schokoriegel, besser macht. Das ist wie Ketchup, nur, dass es tatsächlich auch schmeckt, aber auch unverhältnismäßig teuer ist.

Der Feigensenf ist deutlich fruchtiger als die anderen, und die Feige würde denke ich ideal zur Erdbeere passen, während es das Mundgefühl optimiert.

Sobald wieder Geld da ist hole ich das Experiment nach und gebe euch selbstverständlich Bescheid :)

BONUS: Wasabi

Ich steh ja normalerweise total auf das Zeug, aber mit Yoghurette ist das eher nix. Der Wasabi kommt zwar durch, aber schmeckt zu subtil. Dadurch schmeckt alles Ist nicht meins.


Auf was für seltsame Kombis seid ihr schon so gekommen? Habt ihr euch danach geschämt?

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

I added some additional context now :)

My problem is that the plant was pretty much dead when I got it a few months ago, and I rescued it. Still, growing completely new roots is stressful for the plant, and it redirects its resources from the leafes into the roots to get energy.

And I asked what I can do do mitigate this, so that the plant doesn't eat itself and looses its leafes, which would suck.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Yes, the expanded clay substrate is new.

They've been in an organic medium (bark and coco I believe) at time of buying, but looked pretty much dead when I got them, as you can see in my previous post I linked at the beginning. Most of the roots were mush back then, but they started regrowing very healthy now.

The higher levels of fertilizer didn't seem to be harmful as of now, since it's still in the non-toxic zone.
My plan has been to keep it higher for now, to compensate the lack of roots, and to reduce it further more to a normal level as soon as they've regrown fully.

So, you would say I should reduce it now to a very low level?

Is foliar feeding better? I don't want to loose the already yellowing leaf, that would suck.


Before you say "Just give it some fertilizer", please look at my post about that plant before.

It started flowering a few weeks ago, and the roots are growing back very healthy, but slowly.
I think those two factors are what contributed to the plant consuming itself, as you can see on the pictures where the lower leafes start yellowing quite significantly.

If they continue to do so, I will loose them, and that would suck.
My question is: What can I do to mitigate that, so I can prevent the leafes from dying off completely?

I already cut off the flower spike to redirect the resources, but I fear this isn't enough.

There's a shit load of fertilizer in the substrate now too. I grow it hydroponically, and started with an EC of just 1 mS, because that's what's recommended for orchids, but I quickly realised that this isn't enough, and increased it to 1,5-2 mS. Right now it sits at about 2-2,5 mS, which is objectively on the higher side for other plants, but very high for orchids from what I know.
But on the other hand... it needs to grow a lot of plant matter.

The problem is, that there are probably not enough roots to support this growth, and the nutrient uptake is limited because of that.

Still, I don't want to loose the leafs. Would foliar fertilizing help? Or is it too late?

Here are root pictures my other two orchids that I rescued too at the same time. They don't show signs of a deficiency, but also regenerated a lot of roots. Maybe this helps?

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

+1 for uBlue (Aurora, Bazzite).

Everything you want and need is already set up for you, and the OS is just in the background for your games and other software to run on. No need to install any codecs, or even updating it, because it's already done for you. And if something breaks, then you can just roll back in seconds.

Very user friendly.

[–] 18 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

The Uncanny Valley is real.

I was undiagnosed my whole life until early adulthood, and therefore always tried to pass as NT, because I never knew what's wrong with me.

I trained myself for years to mimic NT behaviour, including facial expression, gestures, voice tone, and much more.
Everyone here can probably relate to that how incredible hard it is to achieve that, but I somehow did! Great! Right? Right...?


While I was 99% there, the 1% missing made everything worse.
Those are the tiny tiny nuances that you just can't replicate, like microexpressions, or some minor mistakes you made, like looking at the wrong direction while "thinking" or whatever shit they made up.

And those tiny incoherences are what will destroy everything. Many people will dislike or mistrust you, and the worst thing about that is that they don't even know why!
They'll accuse you to being a liar, because you act sketchy, or that you are "fake", or whatever you can think about.

I'm currently in the process of un-learning all of that and stop being someone else. Sure, many people will dislike you just for who you are, but seriously, if someone doesn't have a good time around you just because your voice sounds too flat or because you don't laugh back at them then fuck that person.
We have 8 billion people on this planet, there will be at least one person out there that appreciates your weirdness

[–] 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

No, don't. Good idea at first glance, but horrible on the second, at least from my experience.

While work will be way more pleasant, it might be too pleasant, and you'll spend more energy and focus than you might realise.
Your boss will notice that too, and give you a heck lot of more work to do than your colleagues, for the same wage.
You'll work and work and work, and then you wake up with a burnout.
No one, except you, will notice that.

And then you can't give 200% anymore, but only 100% from now on.

In your bosses eyes, you have gotten just lazy and not interested anymore, just because they're used to you overstraining yourself.

And last but not least, they'll dump you into the trash because they can't extract even more resources out from you, and no one will care. You are just a human resource, that's why the department in companies is called that way.

Don't be stupid. Don't be me!

[–] 51 points 1 week ago (1 children)

100% AMD, for sure. AMD won't make much problems and works ootb.

Nvidia on the other hand... if you already have a Nvidia GPU, then the proprietary drivers work pretty well, but even those won't work flawlessly and still cause problems for many people.
And the FOSS drivers are still in the early stages and won't cut it. So why spend lots of money for a piece of hardware that won't give you the performance you paid for?

Also, Nvidia clearly doesn't care about PCs or its' users, so why support such a shitty company with your money?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

TIL hoyas are non-toxic to my cats and I could have gotten one for ages. Thanks OP for reminding me


cross-posted from:

You've already seen duckweed, I know that.
It's ubiquitous and literally a pest in some areas.
Also known as "water lentils", they can cover ponds in just a matter of days. They are also one of the fastest growing and replicating plants ever.

Why is that relevant you may ask?

Well, Wolffia sp. could be the most nutrient packed superfood you'll ever eat.

I found a study where scientists analyzed the nutritional value of it, and holy fuck!
Not only is it a extremely good source of protein (up to 40% dry weight), but also contains omega 3 fatty acids in a very favourable ratio. And a lot of minerals, like iron and calcium. Especially for vegans too this might be perfect.

This sounds very similar to algae, right? Right!

But there are a few benefits compared to Spirulina and those like:

  • It can grow literally EVERYWHERE. It's a weed, just like the name implies. You don't need any fancy glass tubes, pumps and whatever shit you need for algae farming, no. Just a puddle and optional trace elements. It's also not a "fancy algae strain" you have to order somewhere, you can just go to a local pond, scoop a hand full out of it, and then place it on your balcony or whatever and it will spread by itself.
  • It doesn't need (even tolerate) lots of light. Algae are known for their high light requirements, sometimes even needing artificial lights, but this one grows in ponds on the forest floor and will not be happy if you leave it unshaded.
  • It will come back after each winter
  • AND: It's a viable plant source of vitamin B12!

It's almost impossible to find natural vegan B12 sources, because neither plants, nor animals or fungi, but bacteria, produce it.

Those duckweeds are known to live in symbiosis with those bacteria, and the B12 is then stored inside the plants, not the bacteria! So if you wash it, it still has the same nutritional content.

Also, similar to legumes, they can fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, which is why you can find them everywhere.

I still have to back the claims up by real sources, because right now, most of that stuff is just "I read it somewhere on the internet", but here on Medium is another article about that.

This post is mainly there to spread the information that it exists in the first place, so maybe some facts are not entirely true, idk.

What will I do now?

I will try to find it outside and then try to grow it on my balcony to see how well it performs and tastes.

I can feed it with my depleted hydroponic nutrient solution that would land in the drain anyway, but still contains a lot of trace minerals and stuff.

And hey, even if it tastes like shit, which I doubt, because it's claimed to be taste neutral, I can turn it into an organic fertilizer :)


You've already seen duckweed, I know that.
It's ubiquitous and literally a pest in some areas.
Also known as "water lentils", they can cover ponds in just a matter of days. They are also one of the fastest growing and replicating plants ever.

Why is that relevant you may ask?

Well, Wolffia sp. could be the most nutrient packed superfood you'll ever eat.

I found a study where scientists analyzed the nutritional value of it, and holy fuck!
Not only is it a extremely good source of protein (up to 40% dry weight), but also contains omega 3 fatty acids in a very favourable ratio. And a lot of minerals, like iron and calcium. Especially for vegans too this might be perfect.

This sounds very similar to algae, right? Right!

But there are a few benefits compared to Spirulina and those like:

  • It can grow literally EVERYWHERE. It's a weed, just like the name implies. You don't need any fancy glass tubes, pumps and whatever shit you need for algae farming, no. Just a puddle and optional trace elements. It's also not a "fancy algae strain" you have to order somewhere, you can just go to a local pond, scoop a hand full out of it, and then place it on your balcony or whatever and it will spread by itself.
  • It doesn't need (even tolerate) lots of light. Algae are known for their high light requirements, sometimes even needing artificial lights, but this one grows in ponds on the forest floor and will not be happy if you leave it unshaded.
  • It will come back after each winter
  • AND: It's a viable plant source of vitamin B12!

It's almost impossible to find natural vegan B12 sources, because neither plants, nor animals or fungi, but bacteria, produce it.

Those duckweeds are known to live in symbiosis with those bacteria, and the B12 is then stored inside the plants, not the bacteria! So if you wash it, it still has the same nutritional content.

Also, similar to legumes, they can fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, which is why you can find them everywhere.

I still have to back the claims up by real sources, because right now, most of that stuff is just "I read it somewhere on the internet", but here on Medium is another article about that.

This post is mainly there to spread the information that it exists in the first place, so maybe some facts are not entirely true, idk.

What will I do now?

I will try to find it outside and then try to grow it on my balcony to see how well it performs and tastes.

I can feed it with my depleted hydroponic nutrient solution that would land in the drain anyway, but still contains a lot of trace minerals and stuff.

And hey, even if it tastes like shit, which I doubt, because it's claimed to be taste neutral, I can turn it into an organic fertilizer :)

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