I can't see any history discussing the change before today, but the posts from before today also seem to be more inclusivity-minded than this one. Maybe it's just a huge oversight and they forgor. But it's definitely not a nice look. The new rules also say you're not allowed to report content for things that aren't a violation of the terms of service. So if you report a content for being racist, that's against the rules.
It happened to me, and it was the She-Ra fans who did it. They were angry that I called them monarchists.
Libertarianism is a garbage ideology.
I see you removed the rules against transphobia and clarified that content can't be reported if it's not against the new rules. That sucks
It's actually untrue. Consensus reality is a social construct created by the white supremacist state. Science and truth are left wing, but reality is right wing, because reality is incompatible with science and truth. Reality is what the white colonisers brought to Australia and the new world along with god and capitalism.
Cars are brain poison and they turn people evil.
At no point in Skyward do they dogfight in a firing line. Cobb puts the students in a line to teach them discipline, coordination, and maneuvering. He criticised the teaching style of other instructors who let the students dogfight right away. Cobb believed in hammering in the fundamentals until they were instinct, and only then allowing them to actually fight. This is sensible military doctrine.
Skyward is a great book.
it’s just a sentiment I always feel and desire to express
Yeah, but if you express it at all times in unrelated threads that's called spam and people don't like it.
Children don't have freedom. Most don't get to transition.
Being a grown up means I get to choose my gender, so grownup automatically wins
The money spent to buy Teslas will go to the workers at a fair rate when the workers unionise. Until then, you're pretty much just paying Musk. You're not paying the workers.
The new rules also say you’re not allowed to report content for things that aren’t a violation of the terms of service. So if you report a content for being racist, that’s against the rules.