I honestly can't remember, did morrowind have scaling? I remember hitting walls, but not ones that were because I was too high level.
The absolute shit mechanics had some kernels of gold though. I loved my Fortify Strength 100 Jump 100 spell and my 10 chaingun lightning amulets. Very few games let you do properly weird stuff with magic.
Nah, they could just make it smaller instead of filling it with slop
A remaster for the first two wouldn't be enough, I figure. I played daggerfall unity and it just does not hold up. A full on remake would be interesting, but they'd have to go hard, and reconceptualize a lot.
F-Zero X
I crave speed and murder
I have adopted a somewhat haughty looking stance for eating where my head is angled back just to avoid this.
Haunt crumbs and sand into really inconvenient places like underneath keys on a keyboard or under bedsheets.
what the fuck? Gamestop is still around?
thats a dog
Oatmilk, Tea, Cum, Flavored water (no sugar pls)