Reddit really is for the dads isn't it or have I give back in time to the 90s
Pretty sure coast guard did step in to help the ship, but the ship was hiding from authority. Once the call went up because was there. Like the RNLI rescue small boats in English channel. (Somthing some.idiots on the right are claiming is reason not to give to the charity)
Was going to say the same. I don't think eccelstone counts to the rule
Kif for kbin and the meme of this post has gone full circle
Boomers and certainly gen X/older milenials are probably more into tinkering and getting it working....it guides for zoomers with their point and click tablet/ipad interface or SaaS that need guides.
As a youth of the late 80s I know bbs, forums, etc
Interesting that you have done away with death saving throws for 9 rounds of bleeding out, seems very lenient, most can be got to in 3. In my last campaign my char only died as took area damage then rolled a nat 1 on death save. Also rolling death saves in secret between player and DM is cool as means player tried to heal my dead cleric, and getting to sadly say "no effect" was heart breaking.
Yep it can be the law in some places.
I know a music festival that gave free tickets for volunteers in return for 5x8hr shifts. As the festival was a limited company (not charity) the minimum wage laws of my country kicked in.
I have to say I do LIKE the feeling of the jet hitting my sphincter. I mean it's not full hunnnrrrr but it is ...pleasent
It really isn't. Twitter is still up despite musk and Reddit is still strong.despite this...you miss the aim. If the aim is egalitarian then yeah....but no the aim is to make personal money and power (in musk case it is political.platform like being a modern newspaper baron..the next Rupert Murdoch, spaz for the sweet sweet IPO for yacht.