Trump & DeSantis’ new plan for treating disabled in Florida has leaked
There’s 2 Jeff Bezos
Probably meant millimeter but put meter
I almost did the kiwi one for my nephew for xmas but ended up buying him a handheld microscope instead. Will have to check out the crunchlabs one
I don’t read it as that. They say it’s to enable accessories etc. I think the cad is of the external shell only:
Framework Laptop 16 © 2024 by Framework Computer Inc is licensed under CC BY 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
External 3D CAD of the system and main modules to enable development of 3D-printed replacement parts, skins, cases, and other accessories.
You just took all the air from my lungs
Woa yea fuck that guy
Ya know when you get in your car in the morning and are confronted with the stale fart you ripped on your way home the night before? That’s what arguing with you is like.
Only used it once lol
Good eye. In another of op’s posts he asks a question for someone to then recommend WireMin. Up to no good
Good eye. In another of op’s posts he asks a question for someone to then recommend WireMin. Up to no good
Poseidon, according to another post. Maybe time to make an offering ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ