Thanks for the suggestion, the ladder-line J or slim jim seems fairly straightforward to construct with good performance.
From what I've been reading in QST, this sun spot cycle is opening up lots of dx on 10m
I currently have an end fed half wave for 10 meter. I've been able to receive fairly well, picking up beacons from Australia (I'm in Washington state), but haven't been able to make contacts. I just ordered a nanoVNA so I can check the swr with the feed line.
For the feed line, I'm planning to make a feedthrough window insert using some thin plywood and barrel connectors. I'll put some mason line on the plywood so I can lower it to the ground during storms, raise it up to the window and connect when I'm operating.
I think they have other fall guys lined up. Trump seems barely coherent enough to run for office, musk is pulling trump's strings
Thanks Obama
Who run the world? ~~Girls~~ shrooms
Going on a long road trip, gotta load up on Sulphur to delight the other passengers
Sounds like Gaffigan
Um, can I get a job at this mythical place that puts more masculine energy in my ass?
Edit: asking for a friend
No more bi erasure, evolution likes me!
I think Good Charlotte published a how to guide a few years ago
What happens if I make a me espresso using me soup?