Why does it even matter?
I think the reason is our futile yearning for safety.
People look for patterns so they can fool themselves into thinking they are prepared. They know this group so they know what to expect.
Bullshit, of course.
People are complex, life is dangerous, face your anger and see it is just fear.
It is because people are different.
Deep space ninety.
Last action hero. I think the people don't understand that the film does it all on purpose.
It is a love letter to action movies while acknowledging that those are stupid.
Back to rocking the suburbs.
I disagree that we should do that.
Internet became a shit show the second everyone got a smartphone and the barrier to entry evaporated.
Needing to put in some effort to participate is a good filter for low effort people and their low effort worldviews.
I was a lurker on reddit for years. Then the Niveau of the conversations sunk so much that I had the feeling I could participate too.
After that I just lost the fear of what the responses could be to what I say.
Why was the pig allowed to touch his seat repeatedly? I felt intimidated just watching.
Thanks for the kind words.