It's just a rat's tail like so many other things.
I miss opera with own engine
It's just a rat's tail like so many other things.
I miss opera with own engine
Yes ok my mistake, despite * I am of course not talking about files with e.g. .css extension but only the browsers with chrome* as name. :)
Edit: Above all, I don't want to imply that Firefox and co don't use system resources just as wastefully. But they are still the better choice.
Well dont use chrom*
Broken people can't afford a house... they are happy if they get through the month with +-0.
As soon as you know that the first cat will only stay within the apartment, it is best to have two and make sure that they understand each other and do not fight.
But of course it is never too late. Above all, you should be able to reach the previous owner at any time. That you can return the second one at any time if they don't get along. The back and forth may be stressful for a short time, but it's better if they don't get along. Since you have a cat, I would also tend towards a tomcat (they like to cuddle more than cats) but sterilize if you don't want any offspring.
Edit: btw with returning i talk about 1-~15 days
Lol i cleary See it on phone without fullscreen
4.Since MS bought github, github is no longer trustworthy. Databreaches etc have increased since MS owns github. Distribution of malware via github as well. What is the 4 point supposed to say?
An die down voter... Was ist der Protest darauf? Kostenlos Werbung für diese Namen machen? Ihr merkt ja nicht mal mehr was in DE abgeht und fordert weiter unkontrollierte Einwanderung... Selbst die linken etc raffen es das die grünen eine Gefahr für jegliche Demokratie sind
Edit: nicht einmal fähig zu antworten. Ich schäme mich in Grund und Boden ein ehemaliger drecks grünen Wähler gewesen zu sein.
grüne.. deshalb sieht es wie Werbung aus für genau die genannten Personen...
I just say glibc
Arch was my first choice precisely because of the learning curve. As soon as nothing works with the other distros the user is completely overwhelmed because just like on Windows he is kept stupid and away from bash etc....
No, with every other "used" friendly distro I had such massive problems... and their wikis and other help end at the arch wiki anyway.
Edit: Btw I don't want to talk down the other distributions in any way. It's just my personal opinion. Especially since Arch Linux is not out for stability because of the rolling release, users naturally save themselves the trouble with distributions that are primarily out for stability.
In the picture of the OP you can see the tabs Devices / Applications at the top. If you have changed the device, you may also have to change the active playback stream on the device under Applications.