I'd hope they'd pick you up
But if the cities were built for people rather than cars, you wouldn't need to rent a car at your destination. And trains run often if they haven't been critically underfunded for decades. And you can't really drive safely, even if you're a perfect driver, someone can run you off the road. Trains are orders of magnitude safer.
By the time they're going fast enough, they're high enough they don't have much air to worry about. (And they do have an angle over too, not just straight up)
Missiles do go more or less go straight though the atmosphere horizontally. Most are slower than what we're taking about, but hypersonic missiles get close to rocket speeds. And they do need big heat shields to keep from melting immediately.
You're going much too fast to hit the earth, you'll miss it and continue in orbit. To deorbit, you'll need a lot of things to throw in the other direction, like the oxygen from your magic tank. You'd need about a full rocket full of oxygen (~170 tons) to slow down, probably more because the exit velocity would be slower than a rocket.
The other issue with this scheme is you'd slow down too slowly. You'll start getting slower and lower, but you'd start to get into the atmosphere, which because you're still going so fast would cause you to not have a great time. So your magic oxygen bottle will also need a massive tube off the end of it, maybe a couple meters in diameter.
But if you had your magic infinite air tank with a huge tube off it, theoretically you could get back down to earth safely with just it, a space suit, and a parachute.
I haven't actually found anything that doesn't work on Firefox on my personal computer. At work we also use Firefox, and some things don't work on it, but some things don't work on chrome or edge either, it's a hodge poge.
For long form,
Bobby Broccoli, ~1hr videos on science scandals https://youtube.com/@bobbybroccoli
Defunctland, 30m to 1h45m videos on defunct theme parks and rides https://youtube.com/@defunctland
Your dinosaurs are wrong, 15m to 1h45m videos on comparing toy dinosaurs to the most up to date research https://youtube.com/@yourdinosaursarewrong
2nd on Drachinifel, 7m to 1h45m videos on naval History https://youtube.com/@drachinifel
Perun, 1h videos on defense economics https://youtube.com/@perunau
Diplo Strats, 2h to 6h videos on diplomacy the board game, like risk on massive steroids https://youtube.com/@diplostrats
Not exactly long from, but I agree they're great!
Aragorn was raised in Rivendell, so he definitely knows.
Here's the one for up to 2024
I guess the reasoning is if they are killed in Ukraine, they don't use a pension.
This feels like just an an add for a normal thing.
Or you know, just how cities work...