Chances are your tires actually DO have radio emitters in them - tire pressure sensors are wireless and send their measurements out on the 433 MHz band.
I think it’s referencing Clever Hans, a horse who allegedly could do arithmetic and would respond to questions by tapping his hoof (Clever Hans famously could not actually do math - he had just learned to tap his foot until his trainer looked happy with the number of taps).
I use an iPhone at the moment, so I don't have direct experience with the Android version, but I very much like Yr. It is free, I think open-source (they at least have a github page), gives you a good amount of info (hourly, 3-day, and long-term forecasts, graphs of temperature, pressure, wind, and rain UV index, maybe a few other things), gathers basically no data about users, has no ads, and has a reasonably good UI. It's maintained by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, so it probably works better in Norway - but I am in the US and it's honestly been fine for anything that doesn't need minute-by-minute updates (per their website it updates every 6 hours outside of Norway).
I’ve made this plenty of times. Whole canned tomatoes are usually better than diced - just break them up a bit by squishing them with a spoon when you put them in the pan. Needs to cook for a good while - 45 minutes out so. And add salt at the end to taste! But a super reliable sauce and requires very little equipment out prep.
This very much reads like Burt Ward himself eats this dog food (and, presumably as a result, has remained 26 years old since 1971).
Adam Sandler’s The Week Of. 26% from critics, 34% audience score, and I thought it was great. Really helped to watch it BEFORE looking up reviews - I bet if I had gone in expecting a 3/10 movie I would have felt like it was worse.
… I thought it was a sliced hard-boiled egg
People have been able to “afford to question this” since antiquity - it’s not some modern affectation. You see plenty of instances of people arguing for or outright mandating vegetarian or vegan diets dating back thousands of years. I am not sure if PETA’s specific reasoning (“you shouldn’t eat a fish because the fish would prefer you not do that”) is represented, but you definitely see scholars and rulers in the ancient world arguing for a variety of reasons that people should not kill or eat animals.
Because you meant to open ed: the standard text editor.
I think that’s it! I just checked and local communities don’t show the instance on my end either.
+100 to Sleeping Dogs! Seconding everything you say - plus it has the pork bun vendor.
There IS the HPV vaccine, which is basically a cancer vaccine for one set of cancers.