Glasses when working (desk job) or relaxing around the house, contacts when outside the house
What's the advantage of this over
sudo tar -czvf /backupFile.tar.gz folder/to/backup/ gpg -o backupFile.tar.gz.gpg --symmetric backupFile.tar.gz
Have you tried frigate? Or iSpy agent dvr?
To be fair, OpenVPN was annoying to setup. But with wg-easy docker, I'd argue it's faster to set up than tailscale and no accounts necessary. You do need to forward one port
I definitely spent a good hour setting up tailscale on my GF's mac and had to fiddle with non-advertised cli options to expose local services from other machines. However, wireguard on a mac is supposedly harder to set up compared to tailscale
Do you think there's any advantage to use SSO if all your external facing services already have built in 2fa (ex. Nextcloud). I use vaultwarden so it's not like any passwords need to be remembered. Just seems like extra setup
Two, I'm liking this instance more than
Larger, swappable battery. Squeeze for assistant
I wanted an instance that was popular but not #1 to avoid slowdowns. Chose Now it's most popular...made an account on today
I use nova mainly for custom icons and the music widget at the bottom
It occasionally causes ui issues which force you to go to recent apps then swipe to home again to recover