Guess I was wrong and many of them did get drafted. Will be some great hockey to watch for sure.
joined 2 years ago
The dude that beat up his girlfriend and got kicked off his college team? Gross.
It's not quite that. It's the players from the PWHPA that will fill the teams, possibly management from the PHF is involved though. Almost none, if any, of the PHF players will get signed for the new league. The hockey will be great to watch but it's unfortunate how poorly they handled the end of the PHF...players signing 50-100+K contracts right up until the day the league folded. Harsh business i guess.
There's no simple answer to your question, just like there's no quick solution to the problem of inequality. But one premise you've mentioned isn't quite correct. The democratic party hasn't really been "ruling" for most of that time. They've controlled the presidency, yes. But for all except 2 years, they haven't controlled Congress (it's been either divided or republican controlled), and they haven't controlled the supreme court. That said, a lot of Democrats are still happy to push the status quo, and there's plenty of warranted criticism to go around.