Better Fandom would be my pick. There's a usable website there but it's buried under a mountain of clutter.
I linked a Docker Container elsewhere in this topic that works with Proton's implementation of port forwarding. Proton's price is the same as Mullvad too. That would be my recommendation.
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Can't really help you there, I haven't used Soulseek before.
and now she's taking any chance of using the LTT brand for her own benefit
Serious question: how does she stand to benefit from the action she's taken? Some other employer will take pity on her and hire her? Internet karma? I don't immediately see a win in this for her.
You can get around this by generating the files for OpenVPN or Wireguard for them and sending those.
Had to leave MV because of this. I went to Proton, though I did need special software to support its form of port forwarding without introducing a regular hassle. All good now, mostly.
It's more that effective seeding is very hard without a forwarded port. If you only leech, you'll be fine. But that's not how the system is envisioned.
Agreed with your last point, though Mullvad axing port forwarding means for torrenters they've become drastically less useful, so I wouldn't rate them very highly myself either. Despite liking them a lot.
I wonder why they don't employ Nat-pmp like Proton does.
Even the end of the preview notes it's more likely to assist workers than replace them, as it stands now.