Solid clarification and expansion there.
For the sake of expanding on cultural/social differences in other places, here in South Korea, most folks i see on dating apps in their 30s are without kids.
It's in the 30s that most relationships turn serious and get married.
I know two people here who got married in their 20s and had kids. Even the one who got married in their early 20s is open about how she maybe rushed into it.
My time in Canada supports everything you've said, mind you. If I hadn't experienced life here in Korea for so many years, I'd probably wholeheartedly agree without realizing that without knowing where OP lives, it's hard to describe what their potential dating windows are.
I don't think there's a benevolent all-powerful being, so I'm not even sure I believe that there's a good vs. bad place.
If there were a benevolent all-powerful being, the amount of injustice and brutality in the world that the truly innocent suffer would be spared from it.
If there is an afterlife, suffering continues there. But not all face suffering. And in that same plane, peace continues there, but not all face peace.
So, if heaven and hell exist, they're the same place.