Who want-a some Wang?!
When I'm working from home I drink about 4 cups a day, usually no later than 3:00 PM but occasionally I'll have a 5th cup as late as 5:00 or 6:00 if I end up working late. Some days I switch to tea after 3 cups, sometimes caffeinated tea, sometimes herbal. When I'm on travel I don't have a much desk work, so, it's usually 2-3 cups a day, and every once in a while a cappucino or a latte after dinner.
One place I worked at had a cafeteria with a self-service espresso machine that would grind the beans and give you latte, cappucino, mocha, straight up espresso, or Americano. And it was free. I had to set some limits on myself there.
~~made an awkward gesture~~ forgot he wasn't supposed to do the Nazi salute in public in a moment of enthusiasm...
Reverse osmosis system under the sink. I've got a whoe house water softener, too, but it's almost 30 years old and needs replaced. I'm on well water, and while it's safe to drink, it has high manganese and calcium content. The calcium will gunk up my electric kettle pretty quickly, but as long as I fill it from the filter faucet it stays pristine.
I could never order the 10-inch Meat Feast without cracking up.
The answers to both of your questions are probably yes it's okay, and yes you should probably be looking for another job.
Are you morally/ethically okay with your agency's mission? With your role in it? If you are, then the new administration's policies may not be reason enough to leave. You pretty much have to work somewhere. If the answer is no, you probably would have already been looking for another job.
Should you be looking for another job? Probably, depending on what your agency is and it's mission. If TFG and Project2025 have their way, many federal government agencies will be defunded and/or privatized, and pretty much toothless when it comes to enforcement. We already saw what happened to the EPA under the first Trump administration. If yours is in danger of that you should be preparing a backup plan. I wouldn't want to give up a government job, but I would want to be ready if I got RIF'd, or if I got fed up with the bullshit.
For me it has to be an Arctic Blue Fox. Saw several on a trip to the Aleutian Islands. Not really rare or endangered, but as someone who lives well south of their territory it was certainly a rare thing for me.
Don’t bug users to change passwords periodically. Only do it if there’s evidence of compromise.
About damn time. I log into my company laptop with a smart card and PIN or a PIN/authenticator code, computer autoconnects to the VPN, and I'm good to go. If there's no internet available, the smart card will still get me into my computer. If I'm on my personal computer, I log in with the PIN/authenticator. This morning I tried really hard to find someplace where I had the option of entering a password and there is none, yet I have to change my password every 6 months. At least my IT department lets me use KeePass.
When I delivered pizza as a side job back in the early 90s, I asked my manager how I should handle reporting tips and he said "Go ask James, he can tell you how it works." James was their senior driver, and a long-time friend from school, and he said, "I don't know about the other drivers, but I have never received any tips." I got the message. This was back before online ordering was a thing, and if somebody wanted to pay by credit card they would have to come into the store, so it was 99% cash. Every now and then a regular customer would pay by check, but the check would be made out to the company, so I would just take all my tips out in cash when I settled up at the end of the night.
My cat's claws will curl around until they are starting to dig into her toe pads.