Welcome to Lemmy. Thank you for the nice comment.
Good project.
I went back and cleared it up because two people took it the opposite way to how I meant it.
Cara Delinvigne is gorgeous. I'd watch it just for her. The movie was just silly fluff.
Relax. They are obviously fascists. It is them that had been calling everyone and everything they don't like fascists and claiming that the left is doing it to try to dilute the meaning of the word.
No. They are clearly fascists. Trump and the Trumpers have been calling everyone and everything they don't like fascists to dilute the meaning of the word.
The only allowed words are "straight", "white", "Christian" and "man".
Have you tried watching it with the sound turned off?
"Fascist" is more than a mean name that people call Trumpists and billionaire oligarchs. It has an actual meaning despite their (the Trumpists) efforts to cheapen it by calling everyone they don't like a fascist and suggesting that those who correctly label them fascists (the left) are doing the same.
EDIT: calm down, you misread what I wrote.
I'm 58. You are a young woman.
Mila Kunis is absolutely gorgeous in this movie. It's worth a watch just for her.
Valerian was the same. Watch it for Cara Delinvigne if for no other reason.
The ONLY way Canada would ever even entertain considering joining the US is if they give up their guns and implement a training and licensing regime based on gun ownership being a privilege, not a right. They would have to implement universal health care and get rid of the parasite class of unnecessary profit sucking health insurance companies. They would have to agree that every citizen has the absolute right to vote, electoral boundaries must be set by a non-partisan commission, that every citizen has free and equal access to the ballot box, and elections are carried out by marking an X on a piece of paper using a stubby pencil, putting that piece of paper in a cardboard box, opening that cardboard box at the end of the night, counting the ballots, calling in the count, and declaring a winner by midnight on election day. That religious freedom means that you can practice your religion however you want right up until it has any effect on anyone other than you and then it stops and that religious freedom is NOT the right to discriminate. That everyone is equal, has the right to love and marry whoever they want. That workers have rights, get vacation, sick leave, parental leave, bereavement leave, and that those things are entitlements. That free speech doesn't include hate speech, racism, discrimination, harassment, or doxing. It's none of anyone's fucking business what anyone does with their body and women have the absolute and exclusive right to make decisions about their healthcare with their healthcare provider.
That's just a start. If you can't agree to those conditions then it's a non-starter.