
joined 2 years ago

Once in a while I've had luck with 206-343-0011 also. "Your call requires a coin deposit" message.

[–] MidwayTheMagnificent@wayfarershaven.eu 14 points 1 year ago (8 children)

This is awesome. Stateside they’re often tied to phone number, and/or buried in the (otherwise worthless) app

Shared loyalty cards really are a privacy necessity, I know exactly how much data those stores already have on me, and it’s a privacy nightmare.

[–] MidwayTheMagnificent@wayfarershaven.eu 10 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I always thought that people who liked, um… “cold” partners preferred them fresh or nearly so.

Is there anything left of him except bones?

Ok that’s enough internet for me…

[–] MidwayTheMagnificent@wayfarershaven.eu 12 points 2 years ago (1 children)

That’s pretty bad, perhaps outshined only by your and your partner’s child

I like that. It seems the internet with theoretically good answers for things that can be difficult to find. Blog format is much easier to skim that SO, and as long as the post titles are valid and meaningful, it’s a quick check for usefulness before reading.

Sleeper cars on Amtrak were my saving grace when I was regularly traveling between Chicago and upstate NY.

It’s not nearly as long of a trip, and Chicago is a decent station to hang out in, buy being horizontal, getting actual sleep, and having a bathroom not shared by 4.100 other folks made it bearable and feel pretty quick.

[–] MidwayTheMagnificent@wayfarershaven.eu 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Totally understandable, one of a handful of English words that I both know are spelled “wrongL and also have to put conscious thought into spelling before I write it.

Forgot how much I missed that community. Both Interesting and lightly dramatic.

Learned more about the laws of English speaking countries there than I did in a lifetime before find the international LA subs.

[–] MidwayTheMagnificent@wayfarershaven.eu 18 points 2 years ago (1 children)

You’re my wonderwaaaaaalllllllllllll….

[–] MidwayTheMagnificent@wayfarershaven.eu 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Love it. Miss my keyboard, badly. Was a die hard Crackberry user for many years.

I see a reference to adding a lightning connector. Is it that trivial to adapt?

My last real weekend before things get truly nuts at work for about six weeks. Happens twice a year, and really isn’t all that bad. It’s finance-adjacent, so deadlines and such are what they are.

Planning on a nap, assembling a piece of furniture I hope will improve my workflow, and…. Another nap.

Sailor 21 - Converter (wayfarershaven.eu)

Got a fair price on ebay on a couple of Sailor 21s. Love them, but modern converters seem to fit only in theory.

Cutting them down works, but also makes it nearly impossible to advance or retract, because there's no leverage on the screw that moves the plunger.

Am I missing an obvious source here?

Edit: They can be made to unscrew if a syringe is used to push the plunger up consistently, there's just enough to grab onto. Still not ideal, but...


Currently inked list just keeps getting longer...

Context: I take a ton of notes in meetings, journal, and make lists - for now, I have them all lined up on my left. I take one from the right, use it, and when I put it down it goes on the left.

Next time I need a pen, I grab the next one, and so on. Makes it much easier to discern where things start and end.

Alt text for image: Currently Inked:

  • Perkeo / Pumpkin
  • Plasir / Golden Ivy
  • Metropolitan / Peridot
  • Safari / Midway the Magnificent
  • Sport / Comet SL9
  • Kakuno / Earl Grey
  • Safari / Pink Sugar Beach
  • Safari / Julia
  • Preppy / Quinuai
  • Perkeo / Hana Ikada
  • Prefounte / Apple Glory
  • Preppy / Topical Glow
  • Perkeo / Song Southern Country -Perkeo / Hotaru Bi
  • Sailor / Peach Haze
  • Perkeo / Sodalite
  • Sport / O.F. Schwartz
  • Safari / Tsutsuji.

Each written with the pen and ink combo in question.


Do we have a wiki? Didn't see one, in the sidebar. Would be willing to host and port content from r/fp. There was some very useful data/collected wisdom there.


Edit 23-08-10: It's live, and there's even some content there. Descend freely upon it, y'all know what to do. :) Working on rules, wiki, and the trappings of communities that aren't yet baked into the codebase.




Nice to meet you all, I used to be active over on the other place...

One of the resources I liked having was Pen_Swap - is there any interest here in something like that?

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