It's from the Unofficial Ghibli Cookbook, the Thibaud Vilanova one! a picture of the page
The broth it's mentioning is just "simmer 8.5 cups of water with 10g of kombu and 40g of bonito flakes for 35 minutes, then strain"
They talk about leaving the tags on and have a separate category for things that can be made that doesn't include plushies. I really don't think crochet plushies are something they want, and I'm not really into trying to skirt the rules with "this is TECHNICALLYYY new even though I can tell it's not on the list of things you're looking for" when it comes to hospitals haha.
Yeah I'm afraid that if I started selling it I'd have to do business stuff, make things when I don't feel like it, measure the time it takes me and the cost of materials to set a fair price, worry about if the patterns I'm using are commercial friendly, worry about the actual quality/sturdiness of the plushies because people have expectations when they're not getting things for free...when I'm not in a position to really need the extra money.
Hospitals are a great idea but it looks like the local ones here only accept brand-new stuff with the exception of hats. :/ I guess my friends will just have to deal with an excess of plushies lol
The truth, in a way that isn't overly critical of my current employer and emphasizes what I hope to get from a new opportunity. I take it less as "what's wrong with the company you're leaving" and more "what are you looking for from a company you're interested in jumping to", which has very similar answers but focuses on the positive and also gives them actually relevant information that they can use to help you. They can connect the dots that the reason you're looking for that is because you're not finding it there, without you having to trash a company yourself.
What if you have a bad memory and blank when you're put on the spot, so you like something but can't remember why you liked it when someone asks
My name came from an old MMO-ish type web game where you could milk butterflies and when you did sometimes they said "Milx 4 u!"
So, it's probably not related to any other Milk-related usernames lol.
Just randomly having more dishes sounds like a nightmare
Spiders Georg origin story right here
I wonder what happens if you try to search off the changed titles? Obviously it won't work on other devices that don't have it, but on the same device, will "Zenfone 10 review" return that MKB video?
Yeah, the benefit of the new technology doesn't outweigh the slew of minor annoyances associated with making it work in a world designed for regular sized monitors.
The dangers of raw eggs are generally the dangers of getting eggs covered in feces from sick chickens. I only buy pasture raised eggs from small farms, which minimizes the risk of illness (although as a kid I ate plenty of raw cookie dough from regular eggs without incident soo...) This specific chicken egg is from a chicken raised on a natural pasture with at least 108 square feet of space per bird and as much time outdoors as they would like all year.
Some people just can't stand the texture though - the egg cooks some in the rice, but there is still some of that runniness for sure.