I use insomnia but many of the updates to it disrupt my workflow. I should probably find something else.
Mirror Giraffe
My first thought was Terraria for sure, and it's definitely a game that can keep you up.
Been playing Animal Well, an astonishingly cute and insanely frustrating metroid vaniaesque puzzle platformer.
Been looking for a spiritual successor for 25 years but nothing scratches that itch.
With that said the game is widely unbalanced and full of totally broken strategies, which somehow doesn't make it less fun.
I run steam deck with a dock but it's closer to a switch than ps5 I guess. For what I play on a 1080 tv, with Elden ring being my heaviest title, it works perfectly.
I can see how a steam box that would deliver 4k on high end games would be awesome as well.
I think it's hard to appreciate something once I start disrespecting the author. My favourite director, Kusturica, ended up a Putin lackey and since then I've lost the motivation to see his works.
Not that I would condemn anyone else for watching, just that his movies died a bit for me.
Sorry I didn't see this earlier.
It's very vanilla node backend stuff with popular Frameworks such as koa and nest so that makes it easier to give me good assistance I guess.
Looks like fun, I'll play it with my kids!
They also have an openly racist party in the government. Sannfinländarna, meaning "The true Finns"
I find that my programming speed is up 15-20 percent since I started using supermaven copilot. I also have become better at naming functions as it increases the odds of the copilot understanding what I'm trying to do.
Also writing tests go way faster.
Jag använder chatgptb till allt. Recept, nyfiken på vad en låt handlar om, fråga om historiska saker, svår googlesökning, hjälp att välja ny förstärkare, funderar de här techsakerna ihop etc.
Sen om det handlar om viktiga saker som är lite obskyra så får man be om källa.
På jobbet använder jag supermaven och det fungerar utmärkt. Jag har blivit mycket bättre på att namnge funktioner då den får lättare att skriva koden åt mig då. Jag skrev ett spel i rust (aldrig använt språket innan, ren js-nörd) och det gick förvånansvärt lätt och jag lärde mig jättemycket.
Det kommer inte ersätta folk direkt på länge, men det kommer att göra folk så pass mycket effektivare att färre behövs för samma produktivitet.
There's also the issue that some android and iOS features don't work on rooted, like integrity check. We implemented it to prevent some malicious actors spamming our sms services, requiring them to use actual phones to access the service.
In the end we went with a captcha because we didn't want to exclude rooters but I can see it being a choice not all companies make.