As an employer - this sounds fine and would be very useful, not least because it clearly sets the tone of the future conversation to be constructive and straightforward, which always helps
Because their problems are nothing to do with not having dates
Read the article - it’s not long
The man from Delmonte says this building has to go Doesn’t come with lots of built in effects but can do it all?
Upvoted to support your contribution to helping the world realise people come in all shapes and sizes
That is a shame - I’ve had a lot of fun with it over the years. I can’t find anything quite like it- does anyone have any ideas?
I have had two. It is exhausting - parenting is hard work. One thing I found helpful was to put a positive spin on it whenever possible (not always possible!). If it’s any consolation I’ve found my memory wonderfully selective over the years - a few happy memories of then as babies for example, when I know for sure there was a lot of missed nights sleep and frustration. It’s also kind of satisfying when they get older and it looks like you didn’t do a bad job of it.
Hang in there!
Embrace it and encourage the conversation - it’s when they don’t tell you what they’re doing online and who they’re doing it with that you’ve got a problem
Exactly. The key thing is the differentiation of sex (biology) and gender (social). A bathroom for women can be used by all women, even those who happen to have male bodies. It also clarifies the difference between transsexual and transgender - most transgender people are not transsexual.
Men/women - gender (social). Male, female - sex (biology). It’s very simple, just use the right one depending on the context.
Build more accommodation, accommodation costs come down. Brilliant! (And yet too often denied)