I know it's anecdotal, but among my students (12-18 y/o), dating sims are extremely popular. Probably the most popular genre after battle royal games. I would definitely consider dating sims romance games.
I'm Danish, follow your heritage and come back, it's pretty great here
That was a great read, well-written and interesting. Thanks for sharing.
"Decentraleyes" is such a good name, damn!
If you can't bite it, it doesn't exist.
Imagine telling Americans during the second red scare, about the political climate of today. History is weird.
I run a Makerspace and teach technology to kids. I don't think they are getting worse, but the difference between the lowest and highest skilled is bigger than ever before.
Those who are interested, learn so fucking fast and so thoroughly, because they have things like YouTube tutorials and Discord chat groups with like-minded nerds to teach themselves. BUT at the same time, it's easier to just remain a consumer, and never gain any deeper knowledge.
I think curiosity and attention are quickly becoming the most important skills by far.
Trying my best in the Makerspace for kids I help run. They actually love it!
I get discarded ThinkPads from local companies, and the only way to make them useful is to slap some Linux on there, and then basic stuff like Blender, PrusaSlicer and Godot. It's been a huge success, especially when we do a Capture-the-Flag tournament, where they have to hide and seek memes using SSH. The feeling of being "a real hacker" seems to be very motivational for the youngsters.
My municipality also bought all students Chromebooks. Then they proceeded to block Google Drive on all government and school WiFi, because for some reason they thought OneDrive was the only safe and therefore allowed cloud storage. Fucking hilarious.
Exceptionalism and nationalism has more to do with the propaganda people are being fed, and less with the actual reality they are living. It will take more than a hard downturn in quality-of-life I think.
There is already enough hate on the Internet
Sorry mate, I have absolutely no idea. I live in Copenhagen, and only own a bike and don't have a drivers license.