This guy nails it. I completely missed how the open AI drama was, at bottom, a marketing blitz.
The world is weird as fuck.
I, for one, would like to see more water-based everything. Especially motion pictures. For instance, a movie about that swimming guy, what was his name? Aquatic Man was it?
The link to the source of the data was broken and I didn't search around but I was curious how they defined inherited. To be in this class, did they have to inherit a billion dollars? A million? Come from upper middle class? If close to 30 percent are inheriting upwards of a billion, that is a lot.
And look at Russia, yikes! Shows a deep corruption. How that country doesn't devolve into a Venezuela/Liberia/take-your-pick, I do not know
This is all around horror, we are the worst.
Johnson likes Exodus of all bands. I am not a fan, but man, that is badass. What's next, Exciter? Venom? Helloween?????
I am a gen-x boomer and was doing cyber bullying for a while, mostly targeting gen z. This article certainly catches the spirit of my work Maybe one day they will finally add a button that will prevent these 'online' scams, until then, be wary/where.
You can finally leave the Internet
Interesting, I had no idea, fluffy contrails look so innocuous. Makes me wonder, is there any post-industrial human activity that isn't disaster?
"It proves that Google’s app store practices are illegal and they abuse their monopoly to extract exorbitant fees, stifle competition and reduce innovation."
Worked for a small publisher that nixed a couple of mobile app projects (that I thought would be really cool) because of the monopoly position Google has. I really dislike how mobile programming is gated by Google+Apple.