Soziale Gerechtigkeit war ihm ja durchaus ein Anliegen
Yeah. I grew up near one of Germany's largest open-pit lignite mines. Had a tour of the mighty Bagger 293 as a kid and was allowed to touch some coal.
In the entire EU it is this weekend
I'm going to give you the only name you spelled right on this list! Max Power
You can make the command line meming tool even more obscure: echo "How CLI memers look at GUI memers" | convert -background transparent -fill black -font Liberation-Sans -pointsize 24 label:@- twilight-snobs.png -gravity center -composite jpeg:- | curl -F "file=@-;filename=meme.jpg" "$(sed -n 's/^UPLOAD_URL=//p' config.env)"
The little aquatic drone that could
Are we sure we're doing Ea-Nasir justice? Perhaps he was a perfectly fine copper salesman but had a weird and totally unhinged customer review (or complaint) he found funny displayed in his home.
If the market clears the price is equal to the marginal utility of getting licked
Lower decks holodeck episode in the style of the Moriarty episodes?
Back in the day you could afford both med school and running an elaborate murder hotel with some gruesome custom made contraptions. Now you can't even afford a simple murder house. What has come of this country.
2011 wants this post back
Deutschlands jüngster Achtzigjähriger halt