assuming it doesn't override consent requirements (Eg : if she wouldn't usually say yes to anal, she still won't say yes to anal), mouth; since it's the one that will be agreed on the most.
assuming for some reason, the lady will consent to it each time, anal.
It's a few things (for some people). One is artstyle/impressionism, another is that some of the stuff depicted is either impossible or less paletable with IRL people. Some is storytelling.
Erotic artwork has been a real thing for a while. If you want, I'll elaborate later. I might edit this after a while when I can be bothered to expand on this.
And that's the trap
No Wesley, Astolfo is the trap. Astolfo will help shut you up 😏
what would it be referring to if it was just incase? 😈
Is it deadnaming when you are referring to a trans person at a time when they were their assigned at birth gender and name?
got links to recommended scrollers ?
how did you get into autoscroll mode?
how do I make it autoscroll?
why is this image so fucking high rez, is this community for printing off nudes onto the sides of buildings?
eh, it's ok
I'm usually pro porn , pro masturbation, but this is the one time that it might be helpful , since you stay horny/pent up to actually perform more to the way you want to during sex.
Just don't take it too far.