This misconception comes from the fact that gen X were basically the first crowd to be the bulk of the Internets at the dawn of it, and all of them were technically proficient enough to do it, so there is a bias: you had to know something about computers to be on the internet. Nowadays you don't need to know anything, the barrier is virtually non-existent and basically anyone can do internets with their phone and some "app" without knowing anything at all about how it works or how to setup a connection or even type an address.
Most of us were and are pretty dumb when it comes to technology or even problem solving, nothing changed in that regard.
I've skimmed through some Singapore's road guidelines and driver's handbook and didn't find any particular significance of kerb paining, from the context I inferred that striped kerb is painted that way just to be visually distinct, to be noticeable. Significant markings are made on the road alongside the kerb, like those two yellow stripes mean "no parking at all times".